President Obama hopeful of US breakthrough in 2014

(VOVworld) – US President Barack Obama has chaired a year-end media conference on Saturday, which assessed the US activities in 2013. To open his speech, Obama says the US GDP increased 4.1% in the 3rd quarter, the highest rate in the past 2 years. He said next year "can be a breakthrough year for America". Obama hinted his support for down-scaling collection of the National Security Agency's data through allowing telephone companies to store these data and the government’s approach to each specific case.

 President Obama hopeful of US breakthrough in 2014 - ảnh 1
President Barack Obama (Photo: Press TV)

President Obama said he wants 2014 a year of action, promising to help stabilize national finance, improve housing market and workers’ salary and create more jobs for the people. He said that although Obamacare's implementation has been hampered by delays and changes, there ‘s improvement with more than one million people registering the new healthcare insurance over the past few months.

