President Obama leads rival Romney in the 2012 presidential race

Opponents US president Barack Obama and the Former Governor of Massachusetts Mitt Romney, are continuing to criticize each other in the run up to the forthcoming presidential elections in two months.

President Obama leads rival Romney in the 2012 presidential race - ảnh 1

The health bill and the plan to cut the budget are the two main issues in their way of words. When appearing on NBC's "Meet the Press",  Romney said he would throw out a Obama’s health reform bill and replace it with his own plan that he applied in Massachusetts. Regarding Obama cutting the budget deficit, Romney warned that this could seriously affect the country’s defence budget. He also blamed Obama’s tax policy for the US’s record high unemployment rate.

Meanwhile, in the presidential campaign in Florida, President Obama hit back at criticism from his Republican rival over the health care law. In his recent report, Obama said Romney’s health law would increase the insurance costs for many people, especially retirees. Speaking to the CBS news agency, Obama said that Americans can expect a proper plan to cut the budget if he wins the election.

A new Reuters/Ipsos poll indicates President Obama is increasing his lead by 47 percent to 43 percent, over Mitt Romney.

The latest daily poll shows Obama, a Democrat, with a lead of 4 percentage points over Romney. Forty-seven percent of 1,457 voters surveyed online over the previous four days said they would vote for Obama if the November 6 elections were held today, compared with 43 percent for Romney.

