President Truong Tan Sang visits Quang Binh

(VOVworld) – President Truong Tan Sang on Friday worked with Quang Binh province’s authority on socio-economic development, security and defence.

Working with local key leaders, President Sang urged Quang Binh to fully tap its potential in the areas of tourism, agriculture and fishery. He also called for more assistance to fishermen so that they can stay longer at sea, develop their economies and help safeguard national sovereignty. “Safety should be ensured so that the people can catch more and more fish. Preferential loans should be allocated to them. If fishermen are provided with new boats and communication equipment, more people will be engaged in this work”, said Sang.

The President said the work of building new rural areas necessitates mobilizing assistance from businesses and donors, in addition to funding from the state and the people.

President Truong Tan Sang visits Quang Binh - ảnh 1
President Truong Tan Sang visits Ly Hoa border guard station

On Friday morning, visiting Dai Trach commune, Bo Trach district, President Sang looked into the model of building new rural areas and offshore fishing there. At a meeting with soldiers in Ly Hoa border guard station, the President underlined the task of protecting the nation’s border and maintaining peace.

