Seminar on Party General Secretary Tran Phu opens

(VOVworld)-A seminar themed “Party General Secretary Tran Phu, Vietnamese Revolution and his birth place Phu Yen” was held in Tuy Hoa city, Phu Yen province today/ on Saturday to mark the 110th birth anniversary of Tran Phu, the first General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (May 1st, 1904-May 1st, 2014).

Seminar on Party General Secretary Tran Phu opens - ảnh 1
Dinh The Huynh,Politburo member and Head of the Party Central Committee's Commission for Communications and Education

Addressing the event, Dinh The Huynh, Politburo member and head of the Party Central Committee's Commission for Communications and Education said: “The bright example of Party General Secretary Tran Phu has deeply imprinted in the hearts and soul of many generations of Vietnamese people. This event is a great opportunity for us to review our tradition and encourage cadres, Party members and people to follow the moral examples of President Ho Chi Minh and Party General Secretary Tran Phu and other communists. It’s important to educate young generations about patriotism and revolutionary tradition.”

More than 30 reports of researchers and historians were presented at the seminar, focusing on great contributions of Party General Secretary Tran Phu to the Party, the Government and people of Vietnam.

