Spring production actitivities taking place nationwide

Spring production actitivities taking place nationwide     - ảnh 1

Fishing vessels in the south central provinces have returned home full of shrimps and fish after the Tet fishing crop. More than 40 vessels came back home at the Hon Ro port in the central city of Nha Trang daily with tons of tuna and codfish. Cao Van Loc from the fishing port in the central city of Tuy Hoa says each vessel caught nearly 100 tons of tuna:“All fishermen went offshore during Tet. They have made a successful fishing crop. They want to clean up the silt at port so that the deeper water level will enable bigger ships to enter.”

More than 1,000 workers in Lai Chau Hydropower plant are on duty throughout Tet holidays. The power plant expects to block the river flow by the end of March and all staff and equipment are fully mobilized to keep up with the work progress.

