Syrian President backs international efforts to fight terrorism

(VOVworld) - Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said Tuesday he supports any international effort against terrorism and will help to expand the fight. Assad added that success won’t come through military means alone but also commitments to stop support for terrorism, referring to a recent UN resolution on combating Islamic State militants and the al-Nusra front in Iraq and Syria, who have links with the al-Qaeda international terrorist network.

Syrian President backs international efforts to fight terrorism - ảnh 1
IS militants parade after the group achieved significant military gains. (Photo: Reuters)
His announcement came hours after the US and Arab allies launched their first air strikes against the IS in Syria using jet fighters, bombers, and Tomahawk cruise missiles. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported that the US-led air strikes killed 120 Muslim extremists, including 70 IS militants and 50 other al-Qaeda-linked fighters, and injured more than 300.

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