Ukrainian government, opposition agree deal to resolve crisis

(VOVworld) – Tensions in Ukraine have eased after a bloody day on Thursday. In the latest news, the Ukrainian government and opposition reached an agreement to end the prolonged crisis, President Victor Yanukovych said in a statement on Friday, but did not talk about the specifics of the deal.

Ukrainian government, opposition agree deal to resolve crisis   - ảnh 1
An anti-government demonstrator burned a tire on Independent Square in Kiev n Feb 21, 2014 (Photo: AFP)

Thursday has been the bloodiest day since violence broke out in Ukraine last November. The Ministry of Health reported that 77 people were killed, including many police, and about 577 people have been injured.

The world community has quickly responded to the situation in Ukraine. A spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry called on both sides to resolve disputes through consultation and dialogue. Russia has asked the Ukrainian government to act more resolutely against the escalating violence and called on the opposition forces to stop the fighting. Russia has also criticized western countries for threatening to impose sanctions against Ukraine. Meanwhile, Belarus has called on its neighboring country to resolve the political crisis through peaceful measures and abide by the Constitution without external interference.

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