US – Japan strengthen security alliance

(VOVworld) – US President Barack Obama and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe have affirmed their alliance and pledged to take a hard line with North Korea.

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US President Barack Obama and Japan's visiting Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at the White House (AFP)

At a meeting in the White House on Saturday, the two leaders stressed that the two countries will work closely to boost sustainable economic growth in Asia – Pacific. President Obama said: “Prime Minister Abe and I both agree that our number-one priority has to be making sure that we are increasing growth and making sure that people have the opportunity to prosper if they're willing to work hard in both our countries.  And so we’ll be talking about a host of issues that -- and steps that we can take in our respective countries to encourage the kind of trade, expanded commerce, and robust growth that will lead to greater opportunity for both the United States and Japan.”      

President Obama said the US – Japan security alliance is the central foundation for regional stability. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Abe confirmed that confidence in the US-Japan alliance has been revived and Tokyo will act calmly in the territorial row with China.

A White House release said the US and Japan will continue the negotiation on Japan’s participation in the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement, a free trade agreement initiated by the US with the participation of some Latin American and Asian nations including Vietnam.

Prime Minister Abe’s visit aims to boost bilateral security partnership amidst its disputes with China over the islands known as the Senkaku in Japan and the Diaoyu in China and North Korea’s third nuclear test. Abe said prior to the visit that the US support is essential for Japan to resolve the issue.

Nhat Quynh, VOV correspondent in Washington

