Vietnam: Active ASEAN member

Vietnam: Active ASEAN member  - ảnh 1
PM Nguyen Tan Dung receives ASEAN economic ministers (Photo: VOV)

(VOV) - Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung says Vietnam will continue to be an active and responsible member of ASEAN, especially during the development of the ASEAN Economic Community. He made the statement at a meeting with ASEAN economic ministers who are in Hanoi for the 19th ASEAN Economic Ministers’ Retreat. Mr Dung expressed his hope that the ministers will foster cooperation for a successful ASEAN Community, and the elevation of economic, trade and investment links among ASEAN members and between ASEAN and other countries. The ministers praised Vietnam’s role in the bloc. The ministers and ASEAN Secretary General Le Luong Minh said they will closely coordinate in fulfilling the set targets for successfully build an ASEAN Community by 2015. 

