Vietnam cultural days in Australia

(VOVworld) – The Vietnamese consulate general in Perth, Australia, coordinated with Australian partners to organize a wide range of cultural activities over the 40th anniversary of diplomatic ties between the two countries.

  Vietnam cultural days in Australia  - ảnh 1
An art performance by Vietnamese artists in Australia. (Photo: Hong Van)
The first event introduced the Thang Long Water Puppet Troupe to Canning city, Western Australia. On November 29th, artists form the troupe joined artists from the Mesa musical group in a musical show co-hosted by the consulate general and the Spinifex Arts Company. On November 30th, the Thang Long Water Puppet Troupe participated in the “Happy River” festival in Canning city.

Vietnamese consul general Le Viet Duyen said the cultural exchange will help Australian people understand Vietnam’s people and culture, strengthening the comprehensive partnership between the two countries. 

