Vietnam, Malaysia enhance defense cooperation

(VOVworld) -  Malaysian Defense Minister Dato Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein has led a delegation on a two-day visit to Vietnam at the invitation of his counterpart General Phung Quang Thanh.
Vietnam, Malaysia enhance defense cooperation - ảnh 1

The visit coincides with the two countries’ 40th anniversary of diplomatic ties. During talks in Hanoi on Friday, Minister Thanh noted that the visit represents another step along the path to formalizing a strategic partnership between Vietnam and Malaysia. Thanh said he hoped the visit would eventually be regarded as a landmark in Vietnam-Malaysia defense relations. Minister Dato, on his first Vietnamese visit since assuming office, spoke highly of the recent successes in bilateral defense cooperation, especially following the signing of a memorandum of understanding on defense cooperation between Malaysia and Vietnam. He said that Malaysia would continue to cooperate with Vietnam in military training, personnel exchange and information sharing. 

