Vietnam, US seek to boost IT cooperation

(VOVWORLD) -The United States Information Technology Industry Council (ITI), as a reputable and influential organization in the US, will act as a key bridge to boost economic, trade, and investment cooperation between the US and Vietnam, especially investment by the US’s leading IT firms doing business in Vietnam.

Vietnam, US seek to boost IT cooperation  - ảnh 1The working session between Lieutenant General and Minister of Public Security Luong Tam Quang and the delegation from the Information Technology Industry Council  (Photo: Pham Kien/VNA)

Lieutenant General and Minister of Public Security Lương Tam Quang made the remark at Monday’s meeting in Hanoi with the ITI delegation led by President and CEO Jason Oxman.

The council has more than 80 member businesses, all of which are leading US enterprises in industry and high technology.

Jason Oxman said through the visit, the council is keen to gain deeper insight into Vietnam’s investment environment and policies to further economic, trade, and investment linkages between the two nations.

He noted that the council hopes that the Vietnamese Government and the Ministry of Public Security will continue to offer favorable conditions for US businesses to make stable, long-term investments in Vietnam.

In addition, it hopes to continue working closely with relevant units in the Ministry of Public Security in policy consultation, collaboration efforts to improve capacity, exchanges of information, experience, and other areas of mutual interest.


