Waves of protests against anti-Islam film continue

Hundreds of Thai Muslims yesterday gathered outside the US embassy in Bangkok yesterday to protest an anti-Islam film.

Waves of protests against anti-Islam film continue - ảnh 1

The protestors shouted out slogans denouncing the US, saying that the world of Muslims can’t accept this insult. The US embassy was closed yesterday for security reasons. An embassy spokesperson expressed his concern that the demonstration might turn violent and urged Americans to avoid the area.

In Saudi Arabia, Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, the nephew of the Saudi king, said only a minority have been involved in protests over the film mocking the Prophet Mohammad, and that Islam is too strong to need to create  such an uproar over the matter. He said the Islamic heritage cannot be judged by these demonstrations that do not represent the bulk of the population.

French president Francois Hollande criticized the waves of violence in Muslim countries and said violence and hostility are not part of the Muslim culture and are destroying the values of civilization.

The film 'Muhammad's Trial' produced by a Coptic Egyptian immigrant in the US was the main trigger for a demonstration by thousands of Egyptians at the US embassy in Cairo and bloody attacks on the US consulate in Bengazhi, Libya.

