WB commits to further helping Vietnam stabilize macro economy

Vietnam wants to receive WB’s effective assistance in financial resources, policy consultation and management experience. Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong made the remarks during a meeting with World Bank Managing Director Sri Mulyani Indrawati who is on a visit to Vietnam. Sri Mulyani Indrawati said Vietnam is among a few developing nations that have recorded important achievements in controlling inflation, stabilising the macro-economy and ensuring social welfare. Ms. Indrawati added that WB will assist Vietnam in policy consultation and funding to accomplish its development targets. Sri Mulyani Indrawati pledged that WB will continue providing information and sharing experience of other countries worldwide in order to help Vietnam avoid difficulties these countries are facing. WB is willing to provide financial and technical assistance to help Vietnam stabilise its macro-economy and successfully implement its economic reform programs.

On Saturday, the World Bank in Vietnam hosted a press briefing on the occasion of Managing Director Sri Mulyani Indrawati’s visit. The WB leader said that Vietnam is now a middle income country, which is an opportunity for the country to access many international financial resources. She affirmed that WB will continue prioritizing Vietnam’s efforts for socio-economic development and narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor. She also warned that the country should have consistent policies while be flexible with financial and monetary tools, stabilize fuel and energy prices, and restructure the economy and banking system to cope with the world’s economic fluctuations. The WB Managing Director insisted that Vietnam needs to further reform its macro economy, maintain at least 6% growth rate, rein in inflation, develop economic infrastructure, renew and reform the structures of finance and banking sector, state-owned enterprises, further improve healthcare services and education, and implement social progress and equality.

