Former Party General Secretary Le Kha Phieu

(VOVWORLD) - The Communist Party and the people of Vietnam paid final respects to their outstanding leader, former Party leader Le Kha Phieu last week. During his tenure as the Party’s General Secretary from 1997 to 2001, Mr. Phieu exhibited leadership that was realistic, innovative, and showed a determination to build the Party, fight degradation, and promote Vietnam’s integration and development.
Former Party General Secretary Le Kha Phieu - ảnh 1Former Party leader Le Kha Phieu. (Photo: VOV) 

At a Party Central Committee session in 1997, Mr. Phieu questioned the shortcomings of the Party at that time, particularly in ideology, morality, and the principle of democratic centralism. He said if the Party failed to fix its shortcomings, it would risk destroying itself.

A resolution for basic and urgent Party building issues was approved at the meeting. Mr. Nguyen Duc Ha, former senior official of the Party Central Committee’s Organization Commission, who helped draft the resolution, said the document reflected the innovation and realism of Party leader Phieu.

“The resolution took an innovative look at the real condition of the Party. After 10 years of renewal, the Party had many shortcomings which needed to be fixed,” he said.

Mr. Nguyen Giap Dan, who was Party leader Phieu’s secretary for more than 12 years, said Mr. Phieu gave top priority to the people. He listened to people and went on fact-finding trips to learn people’s aspirations, according to Mr. Dan.

“At that time, General Secretary Le Kha Phieu was very concerned about degradation within the Party. He wanted a resolution on renewing the Party that would restore the people’s trust in the Party,” said Dan.

Journalist Vu Ngoc Xiem, who used to work for the Vietnam War Veterans Association newspaper, said he was impressed by Mr. Phieu’s leadership. Mr. Phieu not only raised major issues but also gave explanations in detail to make it easier for the people to understand. Xiem said during a trip to the Mekong River Delta in 2000 to inspect observe the flood situation there, Mr. Phieu saw a family living in the middle of the river. He stopped and visited them. Observing the family’s difficult situation, Mr. Phieu asked the local authorities to evacuate them to a safer place and support them.  

“After the trip, Mr. Phieu still contacted the local authorities to enquire about the family to see if they were all right. Party leader Le Kha Phieu always checked thoroughly and specifically whatever he did, even the smallest things,” Mr. Xiem recalled. 

In an interview with the Voice of Vietnam for the 86th founding anniversary of the Communist Party of Vietnam in 2016, Mr. Phieu said, “More measures are needed to build a strong Party and develop cadres and party members who work to serve the people. It’s essential to overcome shortcomings and fight against corruption and wastefulness”.

As Party General Secretary from 1997 to 2001, Mr. Le Kha Phieu left a deep imprint on the development of Vietnam and its governing Party.

