Lam Dong's hamlet patriarch guides locals to better life

(VOVWORLD) - The people of K’Long hamlet in the Central Highlands province of Lam Dong have seen many changes in recent years. They have been mobilized to rebuild their hamlet, apply scientific advances in agricultural production, and expand the local economy, led by patriarch K’Len, Secretary of K’Long Party Committee.

Lam Dong's hamlet patriarch guides locals to better life  - ảnh 1Patriarch K’Len, Secretary of K’Long Party Committee,works on his farm. (Photo: VOV) 

Hamlet chief K’Len says local people used to live in poverty, mainly by growing rice. Thanks to investment capital, seedlings, and cultivation techniques provided by the government, they have learned how to apply scientific advances to boost the value of their agricultural products. K’Len believes a Party member should be a role model in life and in production for the people to follow.

“A Party member should study Party guidelines and State policies and communicate them to the people. A Party member should be the vanguard and a role model. He or she should understand and apply advanced cultivation techniques. When the practical results are seen, the people will follow,” he said.

Mr. Phan Mai Khoa, Chairman of Hiep An commune, said K’Len is highly respected by the locals because of his practical deeds and lifestyle. K’Long hamlet’s Party Committee now has 25 members, many of whom are young ethnic people. 

“The Party building work of K’Long hamlet’s Party Committee has seen positive results. K’Long is home to several ethnic groups, and their productivity is growing,”  said Mr. Khoa.

90 percent of the population in K’Long hamlet are K’ho ethnic people who mainly live on agriculture. In recent years, the local people have been active in patriotic movements launched by local authorities. Their lives have improved and many backward customs have been abandoned.

K’Len said he hopes the government will continue to help people improve their production and build trademarks for those products.

“Local farmers should be encouraged to produce more profitable agricultural products and replicate already successful production models. We hope to receive more support from the State and instructions on how to increase productivity and build trademarks,” he said.


