Ton Tien Dung-a daring businessman of action

(VOVworld) – Ton Tien Dung is Director of the Thien Ung Trade and Construction Material Joint Stock Company in Ha Tinh province. The wounds of war and daily market difficulties have not stemmed his determination to move forward.

The ardency of a young man who served in the resistance war against US imperialists remains intact in Dung. Dung served in the Truong Son corps, which specialized in building roads and bridges, and was later sent to study to become an army officer. Dung served in the army until 1979 when he became an invalid. He returned to his home district of Cam Xuyen in 1998 and began building ships and raising shrimps. His business was unsuccessful due to a lack of capital. In 2004 Dung borrowed money from his friends and relatives to establish the Thien Ung Trade and Construction Material Company to produce bricks. He invested 50,000 USD to acquire techniques to produce different kinds of bricks. In the early days, Dung had to travel on his motorbike across the province to market his products. Dung says: “Market competition was fierce and I had many sleepless nights. Sometimes I was too tired and wanted to give up. Life on the battlefield was harsh but there I felt comfortable. The pressure of market competition is huge but my friends and comrades encouraged me and helped me overcome the difficult moments.”

As time went by, Dung began to accumulate experience and apply new techniques and methods to improve product quality and business performance. His bricks have become much sought after by construction companies in the province. Dung says: “Our products have won the trust of customers in the province. Quality and prestige have given us a firm foothold in the market.”

Dung’s employees are local youths, former military servicemen, and children of social beneficiaries, martyrs and war invalids. Dung says he simply wanted to help ease the difficulties of social beneficiaries and those who served the revolution. The Thien Ung company has been active in charity activities in support of poor people and disadvantaged children. Nguyen Sy Huyen, Secretary of the Cam Nhuong Party Committee, says: “Dung has kept the characteristics of an army officer. He abides by all party guidelines, laws and local regulations. Dung is a dynamic businessman. His Thien Ung company has generated many jobs for local residents.”

Dung’s care for his employees has won him their respect and affection. As Pham Thi Hien puts it: “Director Dung is very concerned about our lives. Our protective clothing is given once a year and we receive gifts on all major national occasions. Our average salary is 120 USD a month.”

It’s commendable for a small company like Thien Ung to remain solid amid fierce market competition and the economic crisis. It’s all thanks to the efforts of Dung, who always keeps in mind President Ho Chi Minh’s teaching that war invalids are down but not out.  

