Bac Ninh province’s youth fights against plastic waste

(VOVWORLD) - The Vietnam Youth Union and its Bac Ninh branch have launched the “Limiting plastic waste in apartment buildings” model. In the month since it was launched, the model has changed people’s awareness and behavior to protect the environment. 
Bac Ninh province’s youth fights against plastic waste - ảnh 1


Ms. Nguyen Thi Mo, who lives in the Cat Tuong apartments in Bac Ninh city, used to use lots of plastic bags for shopping. Mo used separate bags for different kinds of goods, then put everything, including plastic bags, bottles, and food scraps into one dustbin. After being reminded of the environmental impacts of plastic waste, she has begun to change her habits. Under the “Limiting plastic waste in apartment buildings” model, plastic bags are replaced with tote bags. Organic waste and solid waste are separated. Ms. Mo said: “The model has proved to be effective. The waste is sorted for reuse or recycling. This model should be duplicated”.

Ms. Giap Thi Phuong, who also lives in the Cat Tuong apartments, said that since joining the program, she uses a hand basket for shopping instead of plastic bags: “Following the model, I sort my rubbish, which makes it easier to recycle. I hope my children and my grandchildren will follow suit”.

Ms. Phuong encourages other households to join her effort to protect the environment.

Bac Ninh province’s youth fights against plastic waste - ảnh 2

Bac Ninh Youth Union communicates about fighting plastic waste


The Cat Tuong apartments were chosen to pilot the model. Mr. Ta Xuan Dung, Secretary of Vo Cuong ward’s Youth Union in Bac Ninh city, said the Cat Tuong apartments include a large number of households that generate tons of rubbish every day. The youth union members meet with the households, remind them of the impacts of plastic waste, and tell them how to sort their rubbish into different types. Mr. Dung said: “The program has been embraced by many households. Many people have become aware of the plastic waste problem and are taking action to deal with it. We plan to duplicate the model to other apartment buildings”.

The Bac Ninh provincial Youth Union is preparing to launch “Voluntary Saturday” and “Green Sunday” campaigns with the aim of reducing plastic waste.

