ASEAN-China economic cooperation prospect

ASEAN-China economic cooperation prospect

(VOVworld) – ASEAN and China are finding new opportunities to boost economic, trade, and investment cooperation. In addition to signed cooperative deals, the establishment of the ASEAN Community and new agreements...
US, Britain promote post-Brexit bilateral trade

US, Britain promote post-Brexit bilateral trade

(VOVworld) - A top US trade official said Thursday that he has held preliminary discussions with British government officials about how the two countries might pursue a trade deal after Britain leaves the...
US: UK could join TPP

US: UK could join TPP

(VOVworld) – Brexit has forced the UK to broaden its relations and join more multilateral trade deals, for example the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement
China, Russia sign over 30 cooperative deals

China, Russia sign over 30 cooperative deals

(VOVworld)- Russian President Vladimir Putin is on a state visit to China at the invitation of Chinese President Xi Jinping. At the talks with President Xi Jinping on Saturday, President Vladimir Putin stressed that two...
Vietnam-US Joint Statement

Vietnam-US Joint Statement

(VOVworld) - At the invitation of the President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Tran Dai Quang, President of the United States of America Barack Obama paid an historic visit to Vietnam to celebrate the...
Turkey warns to postpone EU agreements

Turkey warns to postpone EU agreements

(VOVworld) - Turkey could suspend all of its agreements with the European Union, Yigit Bulut, chief economic adviser to the Turkish President, warned on Monday