Keeping lighthouses in Truong Sa working

Keeping lighthouses in Truong Sa working

(VOVworld) - The lighthouses in the Truong Sa Archipelago in Khanh Hoa province are managed by the Southern Vietnam Maritime Safety Corporation. Despite hardships caused by long distances and storms,...
US resumes its commercial flights to Cuba

US resumes its commercial flights to Cuba

(VOVworld) – The United States and Cuba have reached a bilateral arrangement to re-establish scheduled airline services between the two countries, the US State Department said Thursday
US-Cuba: a year after normalizing relations

US-Cuba: a year after normalizing relations

(VOVworld) – Today a year ago, US President Barack Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro began restoring normal diplomatic relations after more than 50 years of confrontation. Over the past year,...
Differences on rights and obligations at COP-21

Differences on rights and obligations at COP-21

(VOVworld) – COP21, the UN Convention on Climate Change, which began on December 30 in Paris, has entered a critical period. After some positive early signals, 195 countries now have to...
Indian Film Festival in Vietnam

Indian Film Festival in Vietnam

(VOVworld) - The first Indian Film Festival in Vietnam, co-hosted by the Embassy of India in Vietnam and the Vietnam Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, will take place in Hanoi...
Family customs of the San Chi

Family customs of the San Chi

(VOVworld) – The San Chi of Luc Ngan district, Bac Giang province, have strict family rules and hierarchy. Family members love and respect each other without discrimination of daughters- or sons...
Wednesday, December 1, 2015

Wednesday, December 1, 2015

The traditional Vietnamese wedding is one of the most important ceremonies in Vietnamese culture with influences from Confucian and Buddhist ideologies. It is a significant day not only for the couple involved...