Secret telegram decides victory

Secret telegram decides victory

(VOVworld)- In April, 1975, Commander in Chief of the Vietnam People’s Army General Vo Nguyen Giap sent an urgent telegram to the southern front urging forces to speed up the...
Behind Yemen’s civil war

Behind Yemen’s civil war

(VOVworld) – Yemen’s civil war has become a central issue in the Arab world since Saudi Arabia and its allies made a direct military intervention into Yemen. The worsening situation...
Promoting tourism in the new period

Promoting tourism in the new period

(VOVworld) – The Vietnam National Administration of Tourism (VNAT) has held a seminar to launch the government’s resolution on measures to improve Vietnam’s tourism in the new period
Vietnam’s initiatives welcomed at ADMM-9

Vietnam’s initiatives welcomed at ADMM-9

(VOVworld) – Vietnam contributed several initiatives to the 9th ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting (ADMM-9), towards building an ASEAN Political-Security Community. Defence Minister General Phung Quang Thanh told a press conference following the...
Vietnam attends ADMM-9

Vietnam attends ADMM-9

(VOVworld) – A high-level Vietnamese delegation, led by Defense Minister General Phung Quang Thanh, is attending the ninth ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting that opened on Monday in Langkawi, Malaysia