7th G20 summit opens in Mexico

7th G20 summit opens in Mexico

World leaders struggled Monday to inject confidence for the global economy into the G20 summit in Mexico dominated by a spiraling European debt crisis that is troubling markets and paralyzing...
June 6, 2012

June 6, 2012

Ratan Kumar Paul of West Bengal, India, emailed us and said he listened to our programs from 15-21st May at 1600-1630 UTC on the frequency of 7220 kHz. He wrote: “On...
Chicago Summit – a meeting of commitments

Chicago Summit – a meeting of commitments

(VOV) – The 2-day summit in Chicago ended on Monday. Some major agreements were reached on the hand-over process in Afghanistan, the deployment of the EU missile defense shield,...
April 25, 2012

April 25, 2012

A: Summer has arrived suddenly here in Hanoi where we are having lots of sunshine with temperatures above 32 Degrees Celsius. This week we received warm greetings from springlike Stockholm...
Wednesday January 4, 2012

Wednesday January 4, 2012

New Year’s greeting cards have been pouring into our office this week. Listeners’ sincere wishes and beautiful postcards are making our office more colorful and joyful in these gloomy winter...
Letter Box 14 December 2011

Letter Box 14 December 2011

Hello, I’m Kim Chi - welcome to the Letter Box on VOV Radio. Hi, everyone. I’m Nhat Quynh. We’re here every Wednesday to acknowledge listeners’ letters we got...