Memories of the August Revolution

Memories of the August Revolution

(VOVworld) – The success of the 1945 August Revolution received great contributions from the Viet Minh soldiers in Hoang Dieu citadel, who campaigned and rallied people to join the general uprising....
Singapore confirms 82 Zika cases in total

Singapore confirms 82 Zika cases in total

(VOVworld) – Singapore’s Ministry of Health (MOH) and the National Environment Agency (NEA) confirmed on Tuesday another 26 locally-transmitted Zika cases, bringing the total up to 82
Raspberry Tart

Raspberry Tart

(VOVworld) - Today, we’re gonna to make “Raspberry tart”, a very familiar dessert recipe for anyone who loves to cook.This beautiful tart is a great combination of sweet white chocolate, fresh raspberries...
May Day celebrated nationwide

May Day celebrated nationwide

(VOVworld)- A wide range of activities celebrating May Day are taking place nationwide. In Hanoi, the General Confederation of Labor organized a grand meeting to mark the event attracting more...