Government convenes meeting for June

Government convenes meeting for June

(VOVworld) – The government monthly meeting for June convened in Hanoi on Thursday. Cabinet members heard a report by the Ministry of Justice on the implementation of the government’s legislative...
Domino effect of Brexit

Domino effect of Brexit

(VOVworld) – After the UK voted to leave the EU, some EU member countries expressed their intent to break with the organization. EU leaders have called for efforts to avoid a...
Vietnam lobbies for International Law Committee

Vietnam lobbies for International Law Committee

(VOVworld) - Vietnam’s permanent mission to the UN has opened a reception to lobby for Vietnamese Ambassador to Kuwait, Nguyen Hong Thao, in his bid for International Law Committee’s...
Vietnam facilitates business development

Vietnam facilitates business development

(VOVworld) – Deputy Prime Minister Trinh Dinh Dung told Coca-Cola group’s Executive Vice President Irial Finan on Wednesday that Vietnam will fine-tune its policies and improve business environment...

NA Defense and Security Committee discusses bills

(VOVworld)- On Monday, the National Assembly Defense and Security Committee discussed draft laws on guards, communal police, and management and utilization of weapons, explosives and support tools
President begins state visit to Cambodia

President begins state visit to Cambodia

(VOVworld) – President Tran Dai Quang arrived in Phnom Penh on Tuesday afternoon, beginning a state visit to Cambodia at the invitation of King Norodom Sihamoni