Austria adopts tough refugee laws

Austria adopts tough refugee laws

(VOVworld) - The Austrian parliament on Wednesday adopted one of Europe’s toughest refugee laws, allowing the government to declare a state of emergency if the number of migrants threatens “national security...
UN adopts resolutions on Peacebuilding Architecture

UN adopts resolutions on Peacebuilding Architecture

(VOVworld) – The United Nations General Assembly and Security Council adopted on Wednesday resolutions on the UN Peacebuilding Architecture as armed conflicts are causing great causalities and leading to security and...
COP21 adopts a global climate agreement

COP21 adopts a global climate agreement

(VOVworld) – Representatives from 195 countries attending COP21, the UN Conference on Climate Change, in Paris on Saturday adopted a historic agreement on preventing global warming, the cause of sea water rise...
NA adopts important documents

NA adopts important documents

(VOVworld)- On Thursday, deputies to the 10th session of the 13th National Assembly adopted the Resolution on the ratification of the Protocol amending the agreement establishing the World Trade Organization (WTO...
NA adopts the Law on Hydro-Meteorology

NA adopts the Law on Hydro-Meteorology

(VOVworld)- On Monday, National Assembly deputies approved the Law on Hydro-Meteorology and discussed revisions to the Law on signing, joining and implementing international treaties