Tran Nguyen Dan - An Icon Woodblock Painter

Tran Nguyen Dan - An Icon Woodblock Painter

(VOVworld) - In woodblock carved paintings, a design or picture is carved into a block of wood, then printed onto a sheet of paper or other special materials. Tran Nguyen Dan...
International Circus Festival 2016 opens

International Circus Festival 2016 opens

(VOVworld) – 11 circus troupes from eight countries, including Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Thailand, China, Ukraine and Vietnam are attending the International Circus Festival 2016 which kicked off on Saturday in the...
Vietnam has two more world documentary heritages

Vietnam has two more world documentary heritages

(VOVworld) - The “Royal Literature on Hue Royal Architecture” and “Phuc Giang School Woodblocks” were recognized as documentary heritages by the Memory of the World Committee for Asia and the Pacific (MOWCAP...