US media praise dioxin clean up in Vietnam

US media praise dioxin clean up in Vietnam

US media including AP, CNN,, Los Angeles Times, Business Week, Huffington Post, Navy Times and Army Times yesterday spoke highly of the country’s direct involvement in cleaning...
Helping AO/ Dioxin victims

Helping AO/ Dioxin victims

(VOVworld) - Toxic chemicals dropped on Vietnam by the US army between 1961 and 1971 had a devastating, long-term effect on people’s health and the environment. More than 4.8 million Vietnamese were...
Gifts given to AO Victims

Gifts given to AO Victims

(VOVworld) A number of organizations have donated gifts to victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin to commemorate the 51st anniversary of the Agent Orange/ Dioxin disaster in Vietnam
3 billion VND donated to AO/dioxin victims

3 billion VND donated to AO/dioxin victims

(VOVworld) – Ho Chi Minh city yesterday hosted an art performance themed “Desire to live” to raise money for agent orange (AO)/ dioxin victims. This is the sixth such event held by the Ho...
Walk raises funds for AO victims

Walk raises funds for AO victims

(VOVworld) - Nearly 10,000 people joined a walk at Dam Sen Park in Ho Chi Minh City on Saturday to raise funds for Agent Orange (AO) victims and disabled people
Mapping marine resources

Mapping marine resources

(VOVworld)—The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development says it will conduct an assessment of marine resources, from which they will map the marine resources, build fish markets and create a...
US, India hold third strategic dialogue

US, India hold third strategic dialogue

(VOVworld) – A range of urgent issues to promote ties between the US and India were high on the agenda of the two countries’ third strategic dialogue which opened yesterday in Washington. The...
Develop Vietnam’s marine economy

Develop Vietnam’s marine economy

(VOVworld) - The fourth Vietnam Marine Trademark Forum titled “Economic potential and the ecological environment of Vietnamese islands,” is underway in the Southern coastal province of Ba Ria – Vung Tau to...
Vietnamese Agent Orange victims visit South Korea

Vietnamese Agent Orange victims visit South Korea

(VOVworld)-Vietnamese victims of Agent Orange met with members of the Korean Victims of Agent Orange Veterans Association under a program titled “Welcome Vietnamese AO Victims”. President of the Vietnam...
Stimulate total demand for the national economy

Stimulate total demand for the national economy

(VOVworld) - Increasing the economy’s total demand to boost the market is one of the requirements the Prime Minister set at Sunday’s monthly Government meeting. According to PM Nguyen Tan Dung...