Thawing Russia-Turkey relations

Thawing Russia-Turkey relations

(VOVworld) – On June 27 Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan sent an apology to Russian officials 6 months after the Turkish army shot down a Russian plane near the Turkey-Syria border....
India: violence escalates in Kashmir

India: violence escalates in Kashmir

(VOVworld) – At least 8 Indian paramilitary soldiers were killed and 20 others were wounded in a highway ambush on Saturday near the city of Srinagar, the Indian portion of Kashmir
Morocco arrests 10 suspects associated with IS

Morocco arrests 10 suspects associated with IS

(VOVworld) – The interior ministry of Morocco said that the Central Bureau of Judicial Investigation (BCIJ) had dismantled a network 10 suspected militants in the city of Oujda, more than 500...
Tunisia raises alert amid IS threats of attack

Tunisia raises alert amid IS threats of attack

(VOVworld) – Tunisia’s government raised its terror alert to the highest level and tightened security in its capital Tunis after the daily news Assabah reported on Wednesday that the Islamic...
Libya’s anti-IS forces advance in Sirte

Libya’s anti-IS forces advance in Sirte

(VOVworld) – Forces aligned with Libya’s unity government said they had made significant gains in residential districts of Sirte on Tuesday as they battled to oust Islamic State from its coastal...
Israel to build underground wall around Gaza Strip

Israel to build underground wall around Gaza Strip

(VOVworld) – On Thursday, Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth revealed Israel’s plan to build a concrete wall that goes tens of meters aboveground and underground to deter attacks through underground tunnels...
Orlando massacre drives changes in gun control

Orlando massacre drives changes in gun control

(VOVworld)- US President Barack Obama has renewed his call for gun control legislation after a series of emotional private meetings in Orlando with the families of victims of the worst...