Canada, EU to sign CETA

Canada, EU to sign CETA

(VOVworld)- Canada and the European Union are to sign a long-delayed landmark trade deal at a summit in Brussels on Sunday
Efforts to save Canada-EU Trade Agreement

Efforts to save Canada-EU Trade Agreement

(VOVworld)- After 7 years of negotiations, the Canada-EU Trade Agreement is at risk following Belgium’s disapproval. If the agreement is not signed, the EU’s trade will be seriously affected...
Iraq begins operation to retake Mosul

Iraq begins operation to retake Mosul

(VOVworld) – Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi announced on Monday that operations to retake the Iraqi city of Mosul from the Islamic State group have begun
EU-Canada free trade agreement in trouble

EU-Canada free trade agreement in trouble

(VOVworld) – 3 days after the parliament of the French Community of Belgium rejected the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between the EU and Canada, thousands of Europeans took to the street to...
Colombia to renew peace talks with ELN

Colombia to renew peace talks with ELN

(VOVworld) – The Colombian government and the National Liberation Army (ELN) announced Monday in Caracas that they will begin a new public phase of peace talks
The UK intensifies nuclear deterrence

The UK intensifies nuclear deterrence

(VOVworld) - The UK Ministry of Defense says a program to build nuclear-powered submarines will begin with an investment cost of 1.3 billion pounds (1.7 billion USD). The program will...
Science Film Festival to begin nationwide in October

Science Film Festival to begin nationwide in October

(VOVworld)- The Science Film Festival 2016 with film screenings, experiments and educational games for children about nature, environmental protection and technology will take place in Vietnam from October 2 to...