May 08th, 2013

May 08th, 2013

(VOVworld) - Most of the letters and emails we received last week expressed how they are interested in listening to the Letter Box segment every week, especially if they hear their...
Wednesday April 10, 2013

Wednesday April 10, 2013

To begin this week’s edition of the Letter Box, we welcome Roger Tidy who wrote to the Voice of Vietnam for the first time on March 28, although he has heard our station...
Is the Arms Trade Treaty feasible?

Is the Arms Trade Treaty feasible?

(VOVworld)- After 7 years of negotiations, the United Nations has finally endorsed the historic Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), breaking a deadlock over the global trade of conventional weapons. However, observers say...
 06 March 2013

06 March 2013

This week, we’ll begin with a letter from Daniel Toth, a 24-year-old student of economics from Slovakia who is studying at the University of Edinburgh. Though he only began...
EU agrees on 2014-2020 budget

EU agrees on 2014-2020 budget

European Union leaders finally agree on the bloc's 2014-2020 budget, after 26 hours of constant talks. The new deal will cut 34 billion Euros from the previous budget...
	09 January 2013

09 January 2013

This week, we received lots of letters and emails from listeners around the world with many questions about Vietnam. Thank you for the love you send to us. First, we’d...
Trees for poverty alleviation

Trees for poverty alleviation

(VOV) – Son Binh commune in Khanh Son District, Khanh Hoa province, has identified tree cultivation as a way to increase profitability and farmers’ incomes. Local ethnic people know that finding a...
Hero Pham Tuan shot down B52 Stratofortress

Hero Pham Tuan shot down B52 Stratofortress

(VOVworld) – In the history of the Vietnamese Air Force, heroic pilot Pham Tuan grabbed two records by shooting down an American B52 bomber in 1972 and becoming the 1st Asian cosmonaut to...
Reforms to improve effectiveness of CG meeting

Reforms to improve effectiveness of CG meeting

(VOVworld) – Starting next year, the Vietnam Development Partnership Forum will replace the Consultative Group Meeting and will be jointly chaired by the World Bank and the Ministry of Planning and...
Adventures of a cricket, 70 years after

Adventures of a cricket, 70 years after

(VoVoworld) – Over the past 70 years, “Adventures of a Cricket", written by To Hoai, has become a close friend of many generations of Vietnamese children. Every sentence, every paragraph, and every image...
NA Standing Committee concludes

NA Standing Committee concludes

(VOV) - The 12th session of the 13th National Assembly’s Standing Committee concluded yesterday/ on Thursday and issued a communiqué