Red silk cotton trees in full bloom in Do Son

Red silk cotton trees in full bloom in Do Son

(VOVworld)- Red silk cotton tree flowers, also known as Bombax ceiba, in Do Son district started to bloom these days, turning the popular tourist destination into a giant red carpet
Book Day features Vietnamese cultural life

Book Day features Vietnamese cultural life

(VOVworld)- The third Vietnam Book Day once again underlines the roles of publishers, readers, collectors, authors and book promoters. The highlight of this year’s event is a book festival to be...
Book Day celebrated in Kien Giang

Book Day celebrated in Kien Giang

(VOVworld) – Kien Giang province has celebrated Book Day with an event called “Book – knowledge and culture”. Various kinds of books are on display besides a stamp exhibition and entertainment activities such...
Ninh Binh hosts 3rd Vietnam Book Day

Ninh Binh hosts 3rd Vietnam Book Day

(VOVworld) – Ninh Binh province opens on Friday the 3rd Vietnam Book Day and an exhibit of legal and historical documents and maps proving Vietnam’s sovereignty over Truong Sa and...
Cam Pha chess club

Cam Pha chess club

(VOVworld) – Chess Master Pham Van Tuyen has established a chess club called Cam Pha in Quang Ninh province. The club has attracted a large number of people, particularly children
Vietnam photo exhibit opens in Egypt

Vietnam photo exhibit opens in Egypt

(VOVworld) - A week-long photo exhibition featuring Vietnam’s achievements in three decades of renewal has opened in Port Said, Egypt, the first in a series of events to introduce Vietnam and its...
Onigiri - A symbol of family love in Japan

Onigiri - A symbol of family love in Japan

(VOVworld) - At first glance, Onigiri- Japanese rice balls- seem too ordinary to represent the quintessence of Japan’s cooking arts, unlike a colorful tray of sushi. Yet, the simple-looking rice...
Hungarian folk dance - a dance of improvisation

Hungarian folk dance - a dance of improvisation

(VOVworld) - Hungarian folk dance probably dates back to the Middle Ages. The dance often draws compliments and praise for its free-style and extraordinary rhythms. Yet in the modern era when...