Wednesday November 7, 2012

Wednesday November 7, 2012

A: First off, I’d like to inform you of our frequency changes for the winter. Pen and paper ready? Our English broadcasts to Western Europe from Moosbrunn, Dhabayya, and...
VOV to enhance ties with Japanese broadcaster

VOV to enhance ties with Japanese broadcaster

(VOV) - General Director of Radio the Voice of Vietnam (VOV) Nguyen Dang Tien has proposed a partnership to share cultural and entertainment programs with Japan-based Asahi Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)
October 31 2012

October 31 2012

To improve the quality of our broadcasts every winter VOV makes some changes to its frequencies and timetables for shortwave broadcasts. This year, it will be as follows: our English broadcasts...
17 October 2012

17 October 2012

Every week, letters and emails from listeners around the globe encourage us greatly. Sometimes, I even ask myself how such busy, people can send us letters so regularly. The answer...
October 03, 2012

October 03, 2012

We were happy to hear last week that most of our listeners had received the QSL cards and gift packages we sent
September 26, 2012

September 26, 2012

I hope this edition of the Letter Box finds you well. We devote the first part of the Letter Box to acknowledging letters from Indian Dx’ers
19 September 2012

19 September 2012

Last week, we received dozens of letters and emails but the one from William Patalon III from the USA impressed us the most. We must say that he’s already made...
NA Standing Committee wraps up its 11th session

NA Standing Committee wraps up its 11th session

(VOVworld)- The National Assembly’s Standing Committee concluded its 11th session today/Wednesday. In his address, National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung highlighted the significance of discussions at this session
Terrorism separates US and Muslim world

Terrorism separates US and Muslim world

(VOVworld)-US Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens and 3 other American diplomat were killed Wednesday when Islamist gunmen attacked the U.S. consulate. The attack came during a demonstration against America for a film...
05 September 2012

05 September 2012

Among the letters and emails we received during the week, we’d like to begin with Rattan Kumar Paul, a teacher and co-coordinator of the South Asia Cri DXer...
Letter Box August 29, 2012

Letter Box August 29, 2012

A: Starting off this week’s Letter Box edition, I’d like to say Hello to Adeel Butt of Pakistan, who was in Hanoi and visited our office some weeks ago. We...
22nd August 2012

22nd August 2012

This week, we’d like to begin with a frequent listener to the English program, Fumito Hokamura of Japan. In every letter, Fumito poses many questions about Vietnam that he...
August 15, 2012

August 15, 2012

A: Another week has gone by and we’re happy once again to be with you on our Wednesday Letter Box to answer all the emails and letters received this...