Reforming grassroots mass mobilization

Reforming grassroots mass mobilization

(VOVworld) – Vietnam is making great efforts to reform mass mobilization at the grassroots level to better serve the country’s industrialization, modernization, and international integration process
Inmates pardoned on National Day

Inmates pardoned on National Day

(VOVworld) – More than 290 prisoners received the President’s decision on amnesty on Sunday in Vinh Quang prison, Vinh Phuc province
Paying tribute to war invalids and martyrs

Paying tribute to war invalids and martyrs

(VOVworld) – An array of activities has been held throughout Vietnam to celebrate the 66th anniversary of War Invalids and Martyrs Day, July 27. The Party and State have paid special attention...
National Assembly debates revised Land Law

National Assembly debates revised Land Law

(VOVworld) – National Assembly deputies on Monday discussed issues relating to land confiscation, compensation, prices, and land use efficiency during its on-going 5th session
Effectively utilizing land resource

Effectively utilizing land resource

(VOVworld)- Deputies to the 5th session of the 13th National Assembly spent a whole day on Monday discussing the revised Land Law before ratifying it. The draft revisions aim to...
National Assembly discuss revised Land Law

National Assembly discuss revised Land Law

(VOVworld) – The 13th National Assembly deputies on Monday continued to discuss the revised Land Law during its on-going 5th session. The revised Land Law has caught special attention from...