France to close Fessenheim nuclear plant

France to close Fessenheim nuclear plant

(VOVworld) - France on Tuesday took a key step towards shutting down its oldest nuclear power station, a campaign promise of Socialist President Francois Hollande before he leaves office in May
Europeans can sue the troika

Europeans can sue the troika

(VOVworld) - The European Court of Justice has ruled that EU citizens can now sue the troika if they believe their fundamental rights have been violated by austerity
For the people’ s legitimate rights

For the people’ s legitimate rights

(VOVworld) – The Vietnamese government has announced the cause of the unusual mass fish deaths which occurred in the 4 central coastal provinces in April. A statement was delivered at a...
Russia, Turkey exert effort to restore relations

Russia, Turkey exert effort to restore relations

(VOVworld) - Turkish President Recep Erdogan's message to Russian President Vladimir Putin offering an apology for the attack on a Russian plane over Syria is an important step towards normalizing...
Russia asserts desire to hold dialogue with EU

Russia asserts desire to hold dialogue with EU

(VOVworld) – On Monday, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov affirmed that European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker will attend the Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum on June 16 at the invitation of...