NA debates State Audit Law revisions

NA debates State Audit Law revisions

(VOVWORLD) - Auditor General of the State Audit Office of Vietnam Ho Duc Phoc delivered a report on revisions to the Law on State Audit at the ongoing NA meeting on...
VinTech City supports student startups

VinTech City supports student startups

(VOVWORLD) - VinTech City, an affiliate of Vingroup, on Wednesday introduced a tertiary cooperation program to support job training, study and technology startups. It will fund scientists and students to study...
Strong Party, growing country, eternal nation

Strong Party, growing country, eternal nation

(VOVWORLD) - Party General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong has written an article on the Party’s important role in leading Vietnam to significant achievements. The article marks the 89th founding...
Vietnamese craft villages apply technologies 4.0

Vietnamese craft villages apply technologies 4.0

(VOVWORLD) - The Fourth Industrial Revolution is leaving a comprehensive impact on the global economy and society at large. Vietnamese craft villages are no exception. They are forced to utitlise science...
Dong Nai attracts FDI thanks to brand development

Dong Nai attracts FDI thanks to brand development

(VOVWORLD) - In addition to singed free trade agreements, the brands of a locality, infrastructure companies, and industrial zones are important factors in the decision making process of many FDI enterprises. Dong Nai...
ASOSAI 14 focuses on environmental auditing

ASOSAI 14 focuses on environmental auditing

(VOVWORLD) - The 14th Assembly of the Asian Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI 14) opened in Hanoi on Wednesday. The event was attended by 250 delegates from 46 member countries...
Female scientist passionate in veterinary studies

Female scientist passionate in veterinary studies

(VOVWORLD) - Associate Professor Dinh Thi Bich Lan, a senior lecturer at Hue University, is the author of a number of vanguard veterinary research projects. Her research has helped produce widely...