Bird flu spreads around the world

Bird flu spreads around the world

(VOVworld)- The H7N9 Avian Influenza is breaking out in a number of countries. This is the fifth H7N9 epidemic since 2013 and í seeing the highest number of cases
Vietnam takes action against bird flu

Vietnam takes action against bird flu

(VOVworld)- H5N1 and H5N6 bird flu outbreaks are spreading in Quang Ngai and Bac Lieu province. Tens of thousands of fowls have been culled over the past two weeks. Relevant...
The unique Mother Goddess Worship of Vietnam

The unique Mother Goddess Worship of Vietnam

(VOVworld) – Mother Goddess worship, or Đạo Mẫu”, is very popular belief in an agriculture-based country like Vietnam, where farmers strongly depend on nature. When people are happy and joyful, they come to...
Blood donation festival opens in Hanoi

Blood donation festival opens in Hanoi

(VOVworld) – Around 8,000 blood units were expected to be collected at the 10th “Xuan Hong” (Red Spring) blood donation festival which opened in Hanoi on Saturday
Radio is you!

Radio is you!

(VOVworld) – Radio, one of the oldest forms of mass media, is being challenged by the growing popularity of social networks. The theme of this year’s World Radio Day February 13, is...
Homeschooling in Vietnam

Homeschooling in Vietnam

(VOVworld) - Homeschooling, already popular in many Western countries, is becoming accepted in Vietnam. Let’s follow VOV reporter Thanh Ha to visit 4-and-a-half-year-old Tue Lam...
Vietnamese Royal Embroidery - From past to present

Vietnamese Royal Embroidery - From past to present

(VOVworld) -Vietnamese royal embroidery, the art of decorating fabric with a needle and thread, has a history of more than 700 years. As time passed, embroidery came and went in popularity, but it still...
Building a righteous, enabling government in 2017

Building a righteous, enabling government in 2017

(VOVworld)- In 2017, the Vietnamese government continues to promote start-ups and building a righteous, enabling government towards the motto “Strengthening disciplines, upholding responsibility, promoting innovation, and ensuring rapid, sustainable...
Memory of the spring 70 years ago

Memory of the spring 70 years ago

(VOVworld) - 70 years ago today, the soldiers and ordinary people of Hanoi were in high spirits to fight for national salvation. Hanoi welcomed the New Year of 1947 enduing 60 days and...