Wednesday May 28, 2014

Wednesday May 28, 2014

(VOVworld) - Foreigners preparing to visit Vietnam frequently ask about transportation. We have some suggestions for getting around. This is in response to a question from Indian listener Jayanta Chakrabarty about public...
1827 World Atlas proves Vietnam’s sovereignty

1827 World Atlas proves Vietnam’s sovereignty

VOVworld) – The Ministry of Information and Communications has received the World Atlas, published by Philippe Vandermaelen in Brussels in 1827. One of these maps called “Partie de la Cochinchine”...
Palestine, Israel resume talks

Palestine, Israel resume talks

(VOVworld) - Israeli chief negotiator and Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, her Palestinian counterpart Saeb Erekat, and US mediator Martin Indyk concluded their latest round of talks on Thursday in Jerusalem
Ham Tan salt-making village

Ham Tan salt-making village

̣̣̣̣̣̣(VOVworld) - Salt production is probably one of the oldest chemical practices performed by man. Salt is produced naturally when sea water evaporates, but the process can easily be reproduced to create...
Research activities on the East Sea promoted

Research activities on the East Sea promoted

(VOVworld) - A foundation aimed at supporting studies on the East Sea made its debut in Hanoi on Thursday. The East Sea Research Foundation (ESRF) is co-founded by the Diplomatic...