80 people killed in violence in Iraq

80 people killed in violence in Iraq

(VOVworld) - At least 31 people, including a candidate for the upcoming parliamentary elections, were killed and 49 others wounded in separate violent attacks across Iraq on Saturday
TPP ministerial meeting scheduled for January 2014

TPP ministerial meeting scheduled for January 2014

(VOVworld)- Ministers from the 12 countries involved in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) free trade talks concluded a four-day meeting in Singapore on Tuesday without a full agreement. Addressing...
Vietnam, US establish comprehensive partnership

Vietnam, US establish comprehensive partnership

(VOVworld)-President Truong Tan Sang talked with US president Barack Obama at the White House on Thursday about cooperation between the two countries as well as regional and global issues...
Tet and narcissus

Tet and narcissus

(VOVworld) - When spring comes, in addition to pink peaches and yellow apricots, charming narcissuses add more color to the spring picture and excite the Tet atmosphere. The elegance, nobility and light...
Top 10 world events 2012  selected by VOV

Top 10 world events 2012 selected by VOV

1. 2012- A year of elections and power transitions Russia witnessed a Presidential power transition between Vladimir Putin and Dimitry Medvedev: Putin became Russian President after the Presidential election on March...
Japanese political upheaval

Japanese political upheaval

(VOVworld) – The Japanese political scene is experiencing new challenges. In face of the economic slowdown, and unceasing territorial tension, Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda’s decision to dissolve parliament on November 16 at...
Iraqi vice-president sentenced in absentia to death

Iraqi vice-president sentenced in absentia to death

Iraq’s fugitive Sunni vice-president Tareq al-Hashemi was sentenced on Sunday to death by hanging on charges he masterminded death squads against rivals in a terror trial that has fuelled sectarian tensions...
Hoang Nhu and memories of the August Revolution

Hoang Nhu and memories of the August Revolution

(VOVworld) - In August, 1945, Thai Binh was one of the first earliest provinces to seize power. The soldiers and people of all ages and social strata united as one to support the revolution...
Series of blasts leave 110 dead in Iraq

Series of blasts leave 110 dead in Iraq

Iraqi security officials said a wave of attacks across Iraq on Monday killed nearly 110 people and wounded 200 others, making it the deadliest day in more than two years