Nguyen Kings historical records displayed

Nguyen Kings historical records displayed

(VOVworld)- An exhibition featuring woodblocks and official administrative papers of the Nguyen Kings has opened in Hanoi. The exhibition is part of activities to honor Vietnam’s documentary heritage...
VietGap-based tea production in Tuyen Quang

VietGap-based tea production in Tuyen Quang

(VOVworld) – Tea growing has long been the main source of income for people in Ham Yen district, Tuyen Quang province. They are now applying VietGap standards to turn out safe,...
Decoding of Russian jet’s black box fails

Decoding of Russian jet’s black box fails

(VOVworld) - Decoding of the black box from the Russian Su-24 fighter jet downed by Turkey is impossible with the currently available means, due to severe damage to the internal...
COP21: draft of new climate deal released

COP21: draft of new climate deal released

(VOVworld) - French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, who is chairing the 21st UN conference on climate change, has released the latest draft of a global climate deal
Russia-Turkey tension undermines anti-IS efforts

Russia-Turkey tension undermines anti-IS efforts

(VOVworld)- Tension soared between Russia and Turkey following Turkey’s shooting down of a Russian warplane on the Syrian border. It is adversely impacting international efforts to fight IS in...
COP 21: obligation and commitment

COP 21: obligation and commitment

(VOVworld) – The 21st Summit of Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP21) will try to reach a binding agreement to limit rising global temperatures to no more...
Love at the Warming House

Love at the Warming House

(VOVworld) – Nguyen Quoc Phong founded the Warming House, a school for children in Tan Phu District, Ho Chi Minh City, in 1999. The house has become a haven for visually...
Wednesday Novermber 11, 2015

Wednesday Novermber 11, 2015

(VOVworld) - This week we got a Halloween postcard from Robert Krolikowski of New York, the US. The black cat and orange jack-o-lantern are more funny than scary. Although Halloween is...
Iran’s President to visit Europe

Iran’s President to visit Europe

(VOVworld) - Iranian President Hassan Rouhani will be making state visits to Italy and France next week, becoming the first Iranian president to travel to Europe in a decade
Volunteer Fire Brigade – Germany’s pride

Volunteer Fire Brigade – Germany’s pride

(VOVworld) - Many big German cities are protected by volunteer fire brigades as well as by professional fire fighters. Under German law, every small town or village must have a volunteer fire brigade to...