Giong festival- symbol of aspiration for freedom

Giong festival- symbol of aspiration for freedom

(VOVworld)- Saint Giong is one of the four immortals worshiped by Vietnamese people. Saint Giong is worshipped in several places in Vietnam and many localities organize Giong festivals, but the...
Wednesday May 14, 2014

Wednesday May 14, 2014

(VOVworld) - Let’s begin with two listeners’ requests to be recruited as VOV shortwave observers. Professor Ashraful Islam of Bangladesh wrote: “I’m a Dx’er and regular listener to most of...
China's scheme to monopolize the East Sea

China's scheme to monopolize the East Sea

(VOVworld) – In discussing China’s placement of oil rig Haiyang 981 on Vietnam’s continental shelf, lawyers and legal experts have presented much evidence and many arguments exposing China’s blatant violation...
General Vo Nguyen Giap – a talented general

General Vo Nguyen Giap – a talented general

(VOVworld) - Vietnam’s struggle for national independence in the 20th century was associated with General Vo Nguyen Giap, Commander-in-chief of the Vietnam People’s Army. General Giap made many...
Vietnam celebrates 39th National Reunification Day

Vietnam celebrates 39th National Reunification Day

(VOVworld) – Various activities are being held to mark the 39th anniversary of national reunification. Ho Chi Minh city hosted an exchange with historical witnesses and art performances in praise of the...
Madonna Lily - the flower of April

Madonna Lily - the flower of April

(VOVworld) - Thought to be a native of the semi-deserts between Turkey and Afghanistan, Madonna Lily spread to Carthage and Greece with the Phoenicians, to England with the Romans and from there to Central Europe...
Cultural features of folk festivals in Vietnam

Cultural features of folk festivals in Vietnam

(VOVworld) – There are about 8,000 folk festivals in Vietnam, most of them taking place in spring from the first to the fourth lunar month. Almost all the villages hold festivals. Typical festivities include the...