January 23, 2013

January 23, 2013

As usual many of the letters and emails sent to us are questions about Vietnam. This week, Ratan Kumar Paul, a teacher and coordinator of the South Asia CRI DXER forum in...
France continues air strikes on Mali

France continues air strikes on Mali

France's air force launched fresh strikes against Islamist rebel group Ansar Dine in Mali this week. French Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian told reporters on Sunday that the raid...
Public contribution to revised 1992 Constitution

Public contribution to revised 1992 Constitution

(VOVworld)- The draft revision of the 1992 Constitution has been made available for the public’s comments on the political system, human rights, citizens’ basic rights and obligations, national...
Top 10 world events 2012  selected by VOV

Top 10 world events 2012 selected by VOV

1. 2012- A year of elections and power transitions Russia witnessed a Presidential power transition between Vladimir Putin and Dimitry Medvedev: Putin became Russian President after the Presidential election on March...

Philanthropists honored

(VOV) - 23 kindhearted donors and organizations were honored this week at a ceremony at the National Broadcasting Center of the Voice of Vietnam Radio
Do Van Duc - a role model in farming

Do Van Duc - a role model in farming

(VOVworld) - Almost everyone in Hai Trieu commune, Hung Yen province, knows farmer Do Van Duc. They appreciate him for being active in business and a role model in teaching his...
Informal EU summit closes in Brussels

Informal EU summit closes in Brussels

Heads of states and the leaders of the 27 EU countries met in Brussels for an informal EU summit which closed today. The agenda for the meeting focused on 2014...
Bad omens for Europe’s public debt crisis

Bad omens for Europe’s public debt crisis

(VOVworld) – Negative information on the ongoing debt crisis in the Eurozone has made the headlines worldwide. This means the crisis has become worse than expected. VOV’s editor Hong Van analyzes...