Brussels’ authorities ban marches against Jews

Brussels’ authorities ban marches against Jews

(VOVworld) – Germany’s “De Spiegel” newspaper ran an article on Wednesday saying that investigators have found in the computer hardware of the Brussels attackers the plans and photos concerning other...
EU, Turkey address migration crisis

EU, Turkey address migration crisis

(VOVworld)- After negotiating for 12 hours in Brussels on March 7, EU and Turkish leaders failed to find a solution to the worst migrant crisis since World War II. They...
AL denounces Turkey over Iraq troop deployment

AL denounces Turkey over Iraq troop deployment

(VOVworld) - The Arab League accused Turkey Thursday of violating international law and Iraq's sovereignty with a military deployment earlier this month that has provoked tensions between Baghdad and Ankara
France vows to intensify anti-IS campaign in Syria

France vows to intensify anti-IS campaign in Syria

(VOVworld) – France will intensify military operations in Syria, French President Francois Hollande vowed Monday, a day after French jets pounded targets in the IS stronghold of Raqqa, France’s first...
EU countries reinforce security against terrorism

EU countries reinforce security against terrorism

(VOVworld) – British police has arrested 6 people in Dover on suspicion of Syria-related terrorism offences. West Midlands Police said that five men and one woman in their 20s were detained on...