The story of Thu “whiskers”

The story of Thu “whiskers”

(VOVworld) - He is a man who has both a humorous way of speaking and the keen sense of responsibility and discipline of one of Uncle Ho’s soldiers
A physician dedicated to community work

A physician dedicated to community work

(VOVworld) – A free clinic on Kim Dong street, Hoang Mai district, has become familiar to many people in Hanoi. The founder of this clinic of retired doctors was Truong Thi Hoi To...
“Phan Quang – friends and profession”

“Phan Quang – friends and profession”

(VOVworld) - The book, entitled “Phan Quang – friends and profession”, recounts stories about journalist Phan Quang, his life and career. It was published thanks to the efforts of journalist Trần Thanh...
Madame Pham Thi Thi

Madame Pham Thi Thi

(VOVworld) - I met her one morning in August, 2014. The weather in Hanoi was chilly because autumn had arrived. She was accompanied by a maid who reminded her whenever she forgot some details. No...
Exploring romantic charm of Hue

Exploring romantic charm of Hue

(VOVworld) - Hue, ancient city located in Vietnam’s central region, is renowned for its many romantic and beautiful landscapes. In 1993 it was recognized by UNESCO as a world cultural...
Remembering my boss Tran Lam

Remembering my boss Tran Lam

I will never forget memories of 5 years being secretary to veteran journalist Tran Lam. (VOVworld) - Journalist Le Truong Kien, a retired VOV staff member was secretary to veteran journalist...
Interesting wedding ritual of the Muong

Interesting wedding ritual of the Muong

(VOVworld) – The Muong culture is expressed in the group’s lifestyle, customs, and beliefs. The wedding ritual of the Muong in Hoa Binh shapes the formation and development of the...
Party and state leaders launch new school year

Party and state leaders launch new school year

(VOVworld) - Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has urged the educational sector to successfully implement the Party and state’s policies on educational reform and the Vietnamese people’s cultural...
Tribute service paid to Ms Vo Thi Thang

Tribute service paid to Ms Vo Thi Thang

(VOVworld) - A high-level funeral service for Vo Thi Thang took place in Ho Chi Minh City. Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung and Ho Chi Minh City Party Organization Secretary...
Book fair “Hanoi-The city for peace”

Book fair “Hanoi-The city for peace”

(VOVworld) – A book fair with the theme “Hanoi-The city for peace” will be held in late September at Thang Long Citadel to mark the 60th anniversary of the...
Vietnam fosters cooperation with the Netherlands

Vietnam fosters cooperation with the Netherlands

(VOVworld) - Vietnam attaches great importance to boosting friendship and opportunities for cooperation with the Netherlands, considering it an exemplary cooperative model between Vietnam and a European country
August Revolution and its current values

August Revolution and its current values

(VOVworld) – 69 years ago the Communist Party of Vietnam and President Ho Chi Minh launched a national uprising to wipe out feudalism, overthrow the French colonialists and establish the Democratic Republic...