World press condemns China’s violations

World press condemns China’s violations

(VOVworld) - A number of major German newspapers ran articles this week condemning China’s provocation. Doctor Gerhard Will, an expert on South East Asia at Germany’s Institute for International and Security Affairs ...
Tension escalates in Ukraine

Tension escalates in Ukraine

(VOVworld) – The Russian President has described military actions used by the Kiev government against protestors in eastern Ukraine as a serious crime against its civilian population and will get back...
Afghan presidential election: a thorny path

Afghan presidential election: a thorny path

(VOVworld) – Afghan people will cast their ballots in a presidential election late this week with a hope that a new government can resolve instability, corruption, poor management, and the impasse in...
Syria denies chemical weapon use in Damascus

Syria denies chemical weapon use in Damascus

(VOVworld)- The UN Security Council on Wednesday called a closed-door meeting to discuss whether chemical weapons were used by the Syrian army to kill 1300 people outside Damascus
US intelligence in a dilemma

US intelligence in a dilemma

(VOVworld) – Edward Snowden, a former CIA intelligence agent, has revealed to the media an Internet surveillance program called PRISM, which the US National Security Agency has operated for years. The move has...