Greece accepts austerity measures

Greece accepts austerity measures

(VOVworld) – The Greek Parliament has voted to accept more austerity measures demanded by the Eurozone to open negotiations for a new bailout package
Is Greece really out of crisis?

Is Greece really out of crisis?

(VOVworld) – On Wednesday Greece’s parliament approved by a vote of 229 to 64 a bill on austerity measures requested by creditors in exchange for a new bailout package worth 86 billion euros...
Iran’s nuclear deal: A step out of conflict

Iran’s nuclear deal: A step out of conflict

(VOVworld) – After 11 years of negotiation, Iran and world powers finally reached a comprehensive deal on Iran’s nuclear program. It’s a great policy success for both US President Barack...
S&P downgrades Greece’s credit rating

S&P downgrades Greece’s credit rating

(VOVworld) – Standard and Poor’s Ratings Services (S&P) lowered its sovereign rating on Greece to “CCC minus” from “CCC”, saying the possibility of Greece exiting the Eurozone was now...
A slim chance for Yemen crisis

A slim chance for Yemen crisis

(VOVworld) – The crisis in Yemen can turn into a civil war with prolonged instability if peace efforts fail to yield practical results. Military options can not resolve the root of differences...
State President receives IPU executive committee

State President receives IPU executive committee

(VOVworld) – On Saturday President Truong Tan Sang hosted a reception for members of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) executive committee who are in Hanoi to attend the 132nd IPU Assembly (IPU...
UN condemns terrorist attack in Kidal, Mali

UN condemns terrorist attack in Kidal, Mali

(VOVworld) - The UN Security Council condemned in the strongest terms on Sunday the terrorist attack against a camp of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) in Kidal...