The reality of press freedom in Vietnam

The reality of press freedom in Vietnam

(VOVworld) - Certain dissident organizations and individuals have distorted information about Vietnam, saying the government stifles freedom of speech and the press and restricts the internet. In its annual report released just...
Vietnam’s green growth strategy

Vietnam’s green growth strategy

(VOVworld)- As Vietnam is one of the countries that is affected by climate change, it has devised a green growth strategy to deal with environmental pollution, reduce green house gas emissions...
March 21, 2012

March 21, 2012

For the first time in many years, we’ve heard from a listener in the United Arab Emirates. In a 5-page email dated March 15, Dr. Avinash Cheekoth wrote
Syria – a challenge to diplomacy

Syria – a challenge to diplomacy

(VOVworld) Diplomatic efforts are being made to find a viable solution in Syria. Kofi Annan, Joint Special Envoy of the UN and the League of Arab States, and representatives of Russia...
2012 FDI projects attaching to the quality

2012 FDI projects attaching to the quality

(VOVworld) The Ministry of Planning and Investment reports that foreign direct investment attraction in Vietnam reached only 37.5 million USD last month due to the global recession. But domestic economists...
Egypt-one year after Arab Spring

Egypt-one year after Arab Spring

(VOVworld) On Saturday, the first anniversary of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's downfall, Egyptians took to the streets in a Day of Civil Disobedience to demand that the Supreme Council...
2011 highlights US Return to Asia strategy

2011 highlights US Return to Asia strategy

Political analysts say this year the US has made the most extensive diplomatic efforts in the last 20 years. A highlight was the acceleration of the US Return to Asia strategy. President Barack...
Cham culture never loses into oblivion

Cham culture never loses into oblivion

The central coastal area has been known as home to the Cham ethnic people, who have created a strong Cham culture over the years. Times flies, its cultural values remain unique...