Wednesday April 12, 2017

Wednesday April 12, 2017

(VOVworld) - I’m reading an interesting letter from Radhakrishna Pillai of India. He told us about his participation at the National Council Meeting of Indian Society for Cultural Co-operation and Friendship ...
Sa Huynh Salt Village in Quang Ngai

Sa Huynh Salt Village in Quang Ngai

(VOVworld) - Sa Huynh salt village is located in Duc Pho district 60 kilometers south of Quang Ngai city. Sa Huynh has a beautiful beach and is well-known in the central region...
Learning Vietnamese to love Vietnam more

Learning Vietnamese to love Vietnam more

(VOVworld) – Learning Vietnamese is becoming more popular with foreigners living and working in Vietnam. In addition to the language, they are learning more about Vietnam and its people
Scotland – the home of Golf

Scotland – the home of Golf

(VOVworld) – When it comes to golf, some people may think it is only a sport for rich people with luxury and expensive services. But in Scotland, everybody can easily...
Ninh Thuan promotes local specialties

Ninh Thuan promotes local specialties

(VOVworld) – An exhibition highlighting Ninh Thuan’s socio-economic development over the past 25 years and honoring 8 typical local products opened on Thursday
Having a farm in the US

Having a farm in the US

(VOVworld) – Hobby farms – also known as “lifestyle” or “retirement” farms, are on the rise in the US. Many small-scale farmers are raising horses, cattle, livestock, and other animals, in addition to growing their own fruits...
Transportation in London

Transportation in London

(VOVworld) - London has one of the largest urban transportation networks in the world, with integrated bus, river and road systems. It’s estimated that more than 3 million passengers travel...
Hanoians attracted to improvisation comedy

Hanoians attracted to improvisation comedy

(VOVworld) – Clever, witty and humorous, the Hanoi Improvisation Club and the Rotten Grapes Comedy Club recently cooperated to hold the “March Improvisation Comedy Show”. This is the first time improvisational...
Wednesday March 22, 2017

Wednesday March 22, 2017

(VOVworld) - We are very glad to know that Gerry Neumann has returned to his home in England safe and sound. On his latest email on March 20, Gerry wrote “At last I’ve...
Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

B: We’d like to thank Gerry Newmann for his great gift, a book of English culture and traditions throughout the year. We like the book every much, Gerry. It’s a...
Wednesday March 8, 2017

Wednesday March 8, 2017

(VOVworld) - First, we want to congratulate all our female listeners on International Women's Day, a day that celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. Remember that all human life springs...
Tech firms seek to improve information security

Tech firms seek to improve information security

(VOVworld)- After Wikileaks revealed that the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is hacking smart phones, PCs, and smart TV, several of the tech firms have taken measures to improve their...