Top 10 world events 2012  selected by VOV

Top 10 world events 2012 selected by VOV

1. 2012- A year of elections and power transitions Russia witnessed a Presidential power transition between Vladimir Putin and Dimitry Medvedev: Putin became Russian President after the Presidential election on March...
Wednesday December 19, 2012

Wednesday December 19, 2012

A: This week, we were very happy to receive season’s greetings from our listeners. We would like to thank you all for your warm sentiments for the VOV staff. We...
 Wednesday November 21, 2012

Wednesday November 21, 2012

To begin this week’s Letter Box, I would like to say Hello to Omar Alfredo Robayo, a new listener of VOV. Welcome you to our worldwide Dx’ing community

Indonesia arrests 11 in terror strike plots

An Indonesian anti-terror squad arrested 11 militants who were plotting a series of strikes — including an attack against a U.S. embassy. The suspects, who are believed to belong to a local...
US Presidential Election- still undecided

US Presidential Election- still undecided

(VOVworld)- President Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney met again in their second televised debate on Wednesday. The debate took place two weeks after the first one and focused on internal...
Libyan PM removed from post

Libyan PM removed from post

(VNA/VOVworld) – Libya’s national congress yesterday removed Prime Minister Mustafa Abushagur from his post after rejecting his cabinet list of 10 ministers
US strengthens security to protect diplomats

US strengthens security to protect diplomats

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Tuesday that the US is taking aggressive steps to protect its staffs in embassies and consulates worldwide, denying that Washington was warned...
Libya arrests 50 after attack on US consulate

Libya arrests 50 after attack on US consulate

Libyan President Mohammed Magarief said on Sunday that about 50 people have been arrested in connection with the deadly attack on the US consulate in Benghazi last week, which he said was planned by...

Libya makes arrests following Benghazi attack

(VOVworld)-Libyan Deputy Interior Minister Wanis al-Sharif said Libyan security forces have made four arrests in their investigation into the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi in which the...
Terrorism separates US and Muslim world

Terrorism separates US and Muslim world

(VOVworld)-US Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens and 3 other American diplomat were killed Wednesday when Islamist gunmen attacked the U.S. consulate. The attack came during a demonstration against America for a film...
Has the war in Syria come to an end?

Has the war in Syria come to an end?

(VOVworld) – Beginning next month, Algerian diplomat Lakhdar Brahimi will replace Kofi Annan as special U.N. and Arab League envoy to Syria. He has pledged to prioritize the Syrian people’s interests and spare no effort...
Libyan electoral commission ratifies election results

Libyan electoral commission ratifies election results

Libya’s High National Electoral Commissions (HNEC) Chairman, Nuri Alabar, said on Wednesday that the Commission has ratified the final result of last month’s parliamentary elections, after the alliance led by former...
Preliminary Libyan election results come in

Preliminary Libyan election results come in

The Libyan Supreme Election Commission yesterday announced preliminary results of last Saturday’s parliamentary election. Former Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril’s National Forces Alliance is leading. At a press conference in...
June 13rd, 2012

June 13rd, 2012

During the week, we have received a lot of letters and emails from listeners around the world. But perhaps the letters from Abdulkarim Ahmed Ali from Libya impressed us most