The structure of a traditional Viet village

The structure of a traditional Viet village

(VOVworld)-An outgrowth of wet rice civilization, Viet villages are characteristically agricultural villages. The structure of a Viet village is adapted to rice farming and constitutes Vietnam’s typical rural...
Iraqi forces retake east Mosul

Iraqi forces retake east Mosul

(VOVworld) – Iraqi forces reached the east bank of the Tigris River in Mosul on Sunday for the first time in a three-month operation to retake the last major stronghold...
Preserving Quan Ho folk singing

Preserving Quan Ho folk singing

(VOVworld) – Vietnam’s Quan Ho folk singing was recognized by UNESCO as an intangible cultural heritage of mankind in 2009. In the cradle of Quan Ho, on the northern bank of...
Vietnam maintains a stable economic growth in 2016

Vietnam maintains a stable economic growth in 2016

(VOVworld)-Although Vietnam’s economy had no major breakthroughs in 2016, it managed to maintain a stable growth thanks to careful government management. We now review Vietnam’s economic picture...
Homegrown hydropower plant begins operation

Homegrown hydropower plant begins operation

(VOVworld) – The Lai Chau hydropower plant was inaugurated on Tuesday in Nam Nhun district, Lai Chau province. The power plant bears the stamp of Vietnamese engineers from design to construction, installation...
VOV celebrates 70th National Resistance Day

VOV celebrates 70th National Resistance Day

(VOVworld)- The Voice of Vietnam on Monday held a ceremony to mark the 70th anniversary of National Resistance Day. In his address, VOV President Nguyen The Ky recalled the day...