Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

A: Volleyball appeared in Vietnam between 1920 and 1922 in large cities like Hanoi and Hai Phong. After the August Revolution in August, 1945, like other sports, volleyball became more...
Banoffee Tart

Banoffee Tart

“Banoffee” is short for banana and toffee, a confection made from sugar and butter with a pleasingly creamy, melting texture. Imagine that you pushed your fork through a cloudy layer of whipped cream...
Vietnam’s economy reduces dependence on ODA

Vietnam’s economy reduces dependence on ODA

(VOVworld) – Vietnam has successfully attracted and effectively used official development assistance (ODA) capital resources. From a poor country, Vietnam has become a middle-income country. But the achievement also presents...
Raspberry Tart

Raspberry Tart

(VOVworld) - Today, we’re gonna to make “Raspberry tart”, a very familiar dessert recipe for anyone who loves to cook.This beautiful tart is a great combination of sweet white chocolate, fresh raspberries...
Physical therapy to treat back pains

Physical therapy to treat back pains

(VOVworld) – Treating back pains by putting pressure on the back and the spine is a traditional physical therapy among Vietnamese people. It doesn’t require equipment or infrastructure, just a small stool and a...
Life-long allowance rejected in Switzerland

Life-long allowance rejected in Switzerland

(VOVworld) – In a referendum on June 5, approximately 80% of Swiss voters rejected the idea of the state providing a life-long allowance. Opponents of the idea say such an allowance...
Lotus seed and Longan sweet soup

Lotus seed and Longan sweet soup

(VOVworld) - "Lotus seed and longan sweet soup" is a great combination of longan, stewed lotus seed, and rock sugar. It’s believed that eating this dessert frequently will calm your nerves, reduce...
Japan postpones sales tax until 2019

Japan postpones sales tax until 2019

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has decided to delay sales tax increase until 2019 for the 2nd time in the context of Japan’s economy struggling to recover. The decision...
Get prepared for extreme weather

Get prepared for extreme weather

(VOVworld)- Extreme weather and unusual natural disasters are likely to increase this year. So, people in high-risk areas need to get prepared to minimize their losses from adverse weather...